Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Alice Abernathy (1)

Name: Alice Abernathy

Gender: Female (Cis)

Alias(es): N/A

Status: Deceased

Species: Human

Partner(s): N/A

Child(ren): N/A

Family: N/A

Age: N/A

Position(s): Member of Umbrella Corporation (Former)
                    Leader of an Army

Home: N/A

Series: Rin Duology

Fanfiction or Original: Fanfiction


Before the Fic
Most information remains the same. The major change is that she's not a clone.

Meeting Rin and the Start of a Feud
Alice had fought Doctor Alexander Isascs while he was turned into a Tyrant. During their fight he mysteriously turned back into his human form and so Alice captured him. She found Rin, who was going by Ray Raqus at the time, with her child. The woman decided to trust her due to Claire Redfield vouching for the mysterious woman.

She eventually found out who Rin really was but didn't abandon all faith just then. Rin said she would kill Alex and Alice trusted her. However, during the execution Rin refused and the feud between the two women started.

Being Used
Rin used Alice without her knowledge. Both women wanted to destroy the Umbrella Corporation, it was just they had two different opinions on how the goal should be accomplished. Alice ran into Rin numerous times and never gave up her hatred.

The Killing of the Triplets and the Death of Alice
Alice decided on a cruel move that made the feud with Rin get worse than ever. Up to this point Rin had lived with the thought of having the other woman as an ally. But Alice decided to attack Rin when she was out of Winterfell and giving birth which drove the Kaari into madness.

Two of her soldiers killed Rin's triplets moments after they were born. Due to the ensuing chaos Alex died while sacrificing his life for Rin.

During the final battle, Alice died while fighting Albert Wesker.

-I had originally planned for Alice and Rin to become allies by the end. But that idea was eventually scrapped.
-As the fight Rin had was with Umbrella for the majority of the fic, I didn't find it bad writing to have Alice killed by someone else.

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