Saturday, February 9, 2019

Benjen Stark

Name: Benjen Stark

Gender: Male (Cis)

Alias(es): N/A

Status: Deceased

Species: Human

Partner(s): N/A

Child(ren): Rin (Daughter)

Family: Rickard Stark (Father)
             Brandon Stark (Brother)
             Eddard Stark (Brother)
             Lyanna Stark (Sister)
             Jon Snow (Nephew)
             Sansa Stark (Niece)
             Bran Stark (Nephew)
             Arya Stark (Niece)
             Rickon Stark (Nephew)

Age: N/A

Position(s): First Ranger           

Home: Winterfell (Former)
            Castle Black (Former)
            Beyond the Wall

Series: Rin Duology

Fanfiction or Original: Fanfiction


Before the Fic
Most information remains the same.

A Night with a Kaari
Benjen Stark made love to Hisara. He wasn't aware that the woman was one of the last Kaari and neither contacted the other after their coupling. However, she did say she wanted to name a future daughter Hisenys before they parted ways.

Meeting Hisenys
Benjen rescued Bran Stark and Meera Reed from the dead. He arrived near the Wall when Castle Black sent some people to meet them. He was happy to see Jon Snow and hear he had become a King of Westeros.

He was shocked at first because he thought he saw Hisara but then realized the woman was much too young. It was then he found out what had happened to his lover's child and who she had become. Hisenys hadn't known her birth name and went by Rin.

Due to Rin killing the Night King, Benjen was killed. The two talked various times before his death.

-Originally I hadn't had Rin's lineage planned out. So when I figured out who her father should be, it made her relationship with Jon Snow incestuous when it didn't start out that way.
-If Robb Stark had been older, he would've been Rin's father.
-I was thinking of making a scene or two of Rin's life if Benjen had taken her in. But it was ultimately dropped as it served no real purpose to the plot as a whole.

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