Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Jake Berenson

Name: Jake Berenson

Gender: Male

Alias(es): Jake
                Fearless Leader

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Daenerys Targaryen Burns King's Landing

Daenerys Targaryen Burns King's Landing

Location: King's Landing, Westeros

Update: Lynesse Section is now Up to Date

So Hurricane Ian is headed my way. Right now it doesn't seem like I'll get a direct hit and only experience Tropical Storm level winds. For those of you who aren't as lucky: please stay safe!

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Update: Seitou's Clan Section is now Up to Date

Know what makes a person feel loved? Finding out that the apartment complex you rent from has not been properly watching your house. A guy was able to take a shower with my hose a few days ago.

This becomes more worrying when most residents are very mentally disabled.


Name: Daenerys

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Saturday, July 2, 2022


Name: Jorah

Gender: Male

Alias(es): N/A

Species: Dragon

Alexander Isaacs

Name: Alexander Isaacs

Gender: Male

Alias(es): Doctor Isaacs

Species: Dragon

Monday, February 28, 2022

Update: Lynesse Section is now Up to Date

At the start of the year I lost my bird Peep. He was a pure yellow parakeet and had such an attitude. At least he was able to enjoy a final Christmas and New Year. Now me and revrezner are allowing Ghost (other parakeet) to interact with the cockatiels so she doesn't feel lonely. What's hilarious is that Navi and Jorah are both terrified of her. Though they are able to hang out peacefully most of the time.

Jon Stark Breaks His Alliance with Daenerys Targaryen

Jon Stark Breaks His Alliance with Daenerys Targaryen

Location: Dragonstone, Westeros

Sunday, January 9, 2022