Saturday, September 8, 2018


Name: Earth

Alias(es): Gaia (only called so by the Drethiveal)

Ecosystem(s): Multiple

Distance from Sun(s): Third Planet

System: Sol

Dominant Species: Humans (Former)
                               Drethiveal (Current)

Short History

There was a large amount of time before humans came into existence. There was much time after that until humans evolved into their current form the homo sapiens.

It took awhile for human space travel and exploration to get anywhere. This was due to the fact that many didn't think such ventures were worth anything. Luckily those voices were soon overruled.

A short time after human space travel and exploration reached a certain level, some left Earth forever. The humans that left thought those that were on Earth were worthless. The powerful humans that remained on Earth ended up becoming the Council of Ant. They were insulted and so started hating the humans that left.

There was a plague and so those that stayed did some genetic modification so they could change into animals (three at most). The hero that figured out the process of Avealing was Fang. Those that took the cure were called Drethiveal.

After the Drethiveal survived, they started calling Earth Gaia and abandoned human names for places. Human became the foulest word imaginable.

The Drethiveal thought after Fang helped drive humans away from Gaia that they would never return. They made sure they would be prepared in case they were wrong. The next time humans were seen on Earth was when Buteo Ralph and his class found a crashed human ship.

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