Thursday, November 14, 2019

Jorah Mormont

Name: Jorah Mormont

Alias(es): Jorah the Andal                
                 Azor Ahai
Species: Human

Partner(s): Unknown Glover (Deceased)
                  Lynesse Hightower (Former)
                  Daenerys Targaryen

Child(ren): N/A

Family: Jeor Mormont (Father)
             Lyanna Mormont (Cousin)

Age: Mid-Fifties

Position(s): Lord of Bear Island (Former)
                   Advisor to Daenerys Targaryen (Former)
                   King of the Seven Kingdoms

Home: Bear Island (Former)
            Essos (Former)

Series: Lynesse

Fanfiction or Original: Fanfiction


Before the Fic
Most information remains the same. Jorah's history changes sometime during Season 7.

Battle of Winterfell
Jorah Mormont fights against the dead and occasionally looks up to check on Daenerys Targaryen. He eventually runs into Jon Snow and they, along with Tormund Giantsbane, attack the Night King. During the fight Arya Stark appears and attempts to kill the Night King. She is instead killed by the abomination.

To Jorah, her death is far from in vain. He the Night King bleed and that helps his confidence and allows him to give that some confidence to the two men with him. When Jorah, Jon, and Tormund kill the Night King they are all surprised when the dead don't immediately die.

Jorah realizes that if the White Walkers are killed then the wights will also die. He tells Jon Snow that he will go find Melisandre to see if the Red Priestess knows how to perform a spell that targets White Walkers. Tormund Giantsbane joins him and they run around Winterfell to find her. On their way they see the wights are easier to fight as those controlling them don't care about killing the living.

Jorah finds Melisandre in a room just beyond the library. He hands her Heartsbane so that the woman can perform the much needed spell. Before she does, though, she also declares him Azor Ahai. During their conversation Daenerys has taken to using Drogon to burn the White Walkers, this causes a lot of collateral damage in the process.

When Melisandre performs the spell, she dies. Hesitantly Jorah picks up Heartsbane to see flames consume his blade, thus confirming to him that he is Azor Ahai.

After the Battle
Due to his rank, Jorah is able to have a room to himself while the healers work on him. As they patch him up, Daenerys Targaryen comes in. She is silent until the healers leave. While talking he voices his concerns about her burning parts of Winterfell. She reassures him that the destruction is necessary and he believes her.

To her oldest friend Daenerys voices her concern that Jon is distancing himself from her. She also mentions that she is related to the Stark who is really a Targaryen. The Mormont manages to quell her concerns about Jon.

Daenerys admits her feelings for Jorah. After she explains she has always longed for him but has just been afraid to act on her feelings, he agrees to start a relationship with her.

While getting ready for the funeral, Jorah admits to Daenerys about how the Battle of Winterfell made him deeply afraid. As they walk towards the funeral pyres, Ghost unexpectedly jumps on him in joy.

During the funeral for those that died during the Battle of Winterfell, Jorah makes a speech mourning the deceased Lyanna Mormont who was his cousin. Afterwards everyone cheers the formerly dishonored knight as 'Lord Jorah Mormont'. He doesn't know how he'll be both Lord Mormont and husband of Daenerys, but he is sure there is a way he can stay by his love's side.

The Feast after the Battle of Winterfell
Before the feast Daenerys Targaryen mentions her fears to Jorah Mormont. She is afraid of the isolation she feels in the North. She also fears that Jorah will leave her due to the position of Lord of Bear Island that is now his. Even as he reassures her, he debates if he should leave or stay with her. He loves her but doesn't want to shame his father twice for choosing a woman over his own House. In the end he agrees that it is his House's time to fall. As a final move to calm Daenerys, he makes love to her very roughly.

This works and afterwards they leave to go to the feast.

At the feast Jorah Mormont feels less alone than he has since fleeing into exile. Many people come up and ask him to recount his various adventures in Essos so he sits away from Daenerys to give her some peace from the chaos. After sitting next to her again he suggests that she legitimize Gendry to keep him loyal. Though he notices when legitimized Gendry doesn't seem to be more loyal to his queen.

While talking with Gendry he is interrupted by Tormund kissing him roughly. The Baratheon takes the distraction as a sign to leave. When the Wildling suggests the Mormont is bisexual, Jorah reacts violently.

After the Wildling leaves, Tyrion talks with Jorah and the older man reveals a dark part to his history. It turns out that when he was a boy, he would have sex with girls and boys. Whenever he thought a boy would reveal he made love to them, he would kill them. After killing so many he decided it wasn't worth it and stopped having sex with boys from that point on.

Jorah is soon dragged into a drinking game with Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Ser Brienne of Tarth, and Podrick. He leaves quickly upon noticing Daenerys wandering away from the feast. He catches up to her when Jon Stark leaves a room and he goes into the room to talk with his love. Jorah reassures Daenerys of Jon's loyalty but tells his queen doesn't believe him.

Happenings and Revelations in Winterfell
Jorah Mormont is worn out and hungover from the feast the following morning so Daenerys Targaryen had left with the promise of Jorah going to her when he felt better. Jorah gets dressed and thinks about the possibility of him actually being Azor Ahai.

As Jorah walks through Winterfell to find Daenerys, he sees Jon Stark and decides to talk with him. The Stark points out that Daenerys should've chosen another husband for a good political marriage. The younger man then talks about how he has felt more distant from Ghost ever since being resurrected.

A few times during his conversation with Jon, Jorah notices something is off but can't say what. At different points he think Jon wants to be king or wants to bed the older man.

After their conversation Jorah walks out of Winterfell to find Daenerys Targaryen. As he leaves the castle Ghost goes back towards Jon.

When Jorah is hardly outside of Winterfell he sees Rhaegal and then Drogon. He moves away from the Northerners so the dragons won't scare them upon landing. Once Daenerys dismounts Drogon she tells Jorah she has something to show him and that they can only reach it by dragonback.

Jorah is nervous to get back on Drogon but eventually agrees. Daenerys takes him to a cave where there are dragon eggs which means Drogon and/or Rhaegal is a female. After discussing the implications the pair of lovers have sex.

After Jorah Mormont and Daenerys Targaryen get back to Winterfell, he has to reassure her that he will never leave.

Later Jorah is nervous as Daenerys gives a speech before declaring him her king. Until everyone starts to applaud he is worried people will reject him. Once the applauses died down he goes to sit to the left of his queen. Sansa Stark then questions him about his loyalty to the North. He answers in such a way to show his loyalty to both Daenerys and the North.

Jorah Mormont and Daenerys Targaryen debate about how to attack King's Landing. Through Varys' spy network they're aware of how Queen Cersei Lannister has promised the commoners safety in the city from Daenerys' forces. After some arguing, Daenerys says she won't burn down King's Landing but Jorah is unsure whether to believe her word or not.

Jorah reassures his wife that he won't ever leave her side.

Jorah Mormont's Wedding to Daenerys Targaryen
Jorah Mormont reassures Missandei that the woman has nothing to fear and that it will only take time for the Westerosi people to open up to her. Before leaving for an important meeting, he leaves some Unsullied to guard her.

Jorah and Tyrion are nervous before the meeting starts as both are aware of Daenerys Targaryen not being good with political games. In the meeting Sansa Stark thanks Daenerys and offers her troops enough time to recover from fighting against the Night King. While Jorah believes part of the Stark truly cares, he is also aware that the offer is actually a political test.

Jorah argues to Daenerys she should take Sansa's offer. He ends up using the fact that Cersei Lannister is losing supporters every day and that Euron Greyjoy will be waiting for them at Dragonstone. He finally asks her outright to rest her troops. She refuses Sansa's offer but will wait just long enough to marry Jorah.

After the meeting Jorah Mormont and Daenerys Targaryen walk through the godswood. Daenerys reveals that she did know how Sansa Stark was playing her, but decided not to adhere to the rules. He argues that it is important for her to play political games as that's how one retains power in Westeros. Daenerys eventually says she admires Sansa's tactics but doesn't like play political games. Jorah is hopeful that admiration will turn to imitation.

As Jorah is nervous about his wedding to Daenerys for reasons he doesn't understand, he walks around Winterfell. He ends up watching sparring sessions between Dothraki, Unsullied, and Northerners. While watching Tormund Giantsbane talks to him. When asking the Wildling why he was really talking to him, Tormund takes to Jorah to a part of Winterfell that doesn't have so many people.

There Tormund reveals that he noticed the Jorah appears nervous and wanted to see what was wrong. When the Wildling brings up the fact that the Mormont might subconsciously be nervous about the wedding as he thinks the woman is pure evil. Jorah dismisses the idea and doesn't attack Tormund since the man is a friend.

Before Jorah can thank Tormund for helping, Ghost comes to them and insists they follow him. Jorah is then lead to some Northerners are harassing Missandei and Grey Worm. He is able to stop any blood from being shed. Tormund brings up Missandei was to supposed to have guards around her and Jorah remarks that he will have some words to say to them.

Jorah Mormont and Daenerys Targaryen are married in the godswood. All of his previous fears of the marriage are gone and he is extremely happy. During the feast, they discuss what should be done about the Northerners who harassed Missandei and Grey Worm. Jorah can tell she wants to use the incident to attack the North but he manages to change her mind.

Jorah ends up getting extremely drunk and accidentally dances with Jon. Once he realizes his mistake, he goes back to his new wife and the pair go off to 'do the nasty'.

Jorah Mormont spars in Winterfell with Grey Worm and a Dothraki. After besting the Dothraki, Jorah spars with Grey Worm. Just as the Unsullied is about to win, Heartsbane is consumed by flames which indicate it is Lightbringer and Jorah is Azor Ahai. The legendary hero reborn spends a few minutes understanding how to control his sword's newfound powers.

Jorah is nervous about riding Ghost, but he has already made up his mind about riding the Direwolf. He finds the creature hard to mount but finally does so. Once he's atop of Ghost, Tyrion Lannister stops by to chat. Among other things they talk about the likelihood of Jaime Lannister betraying Daenerys Targaryen since he loves Cersei Lannister.

Amidst their conversation, Jon Stark comes to talk for a moment. Jorah reassures him that one day he will be able to fly Rhaegal well as Targaryens weren't the only ones who flew dragons. He watches Jon go very intently and Tyrion mocks him for doing so. Instead of enduring anymore insults, he rides away.

While riding south, Rhaegal ends up scaring the men below and one Dothraki attempts to flee. Jorah catches up to him and as the man dies, he warns the king that following Daenerys Targaryen won't end well for all involved. Later Jorah tells her about the Dothraki and has to stop her from lashing out.

Jorah Mormont and the rest of Daenerys Targaryen's fleet are sailing to Dragonstone. He has to stop Ghost from jumping overboard and swimming. He explains to Missandei that he's worried about Euron Greyjoy's fleet finding them on their way to Dragonstone. Their conversation is cut short when Jon Stark warns the fleet about Euron.

After hectic preparations are made for a battle, Drogon and Rhaegal burn Euron's fleet. Jorah figures that they will take a number of Greyjoys prisoners as that will show the people of Westeros that Daenerys is a benevolent queen. However, Daenerys orders all the surviving Greyjoys killed. Even as Jorah heads the effort, he is disgusted and worries that his love might fall victim to her cruelty in the future.

War Against Cersei Lannister
After the massacre against Euron Greyjoy's fleet, Jorah Mormont and his wife's forces are in Dragonstone. All the doubt he had had about Daenerys Targaryen flood his mind. He doesn't reveal any of those thoughts to Daenerys and instead does his best to give her advice. The moment she falls asleep after their lovemaking, he begins to cry as the future is more than uncertain to him. He doesn't know if he can leave her side if she allows her darker nature to take hold.

Jorah Mormont walks around Dragonstone with Ghost and reflects on his recent thoughts about Daenerys Targaryen. He thinks about the likelihood that she would follow in her father's footsteps and wonders how he'll react if that happens. Before he can think too deeply about it, he is alerted to Missandei's plea by how Ghost reacts. He arrives to a scene of a raped and tortured Missandei surrounded by Northern soldiers. One of the soldiers kills the former slave as Jorah looks on hopeless. He then sends the soldiers away to the barracks while he goes to Daenerys Targaryen and Ghost looks over Missandei's corpse.

Unlike what he had hoped, Daenerys decides to have the soldiers burned alive by the dragons and she won't listen to his sound political advice. As the execution commences, Jorah is disturbed by the falling limbs once the dragons start eating the soldiers. He is also disturbed by the fact that he is certain Daenerys will lose all Northern support because of her chosen execution style.

In the meeting held afterwards Jorah Mormont is mostly silent due to not wanting to give off the wrong image to those in the room. He wants to make sure he shows himself to be fully loyal and committed to Daenerys Targaryen. Most of the time he spends making sure that his love isn't in any physical danger and mentally commenting on the numerous political blunders she makes. He is saddened when, after the meeting, Jon decides to end his alliance with Daenerys. Jorah knows that means he will one day have to face Jon and kill him.

Jorah Mormont worries about Daenerys Targaryen's slipping grasp on morality. He tries to distract himself from the truth by looking at maps. When she asks him why he's so focused on strategy, he tells partial truths. Daenerys then starts to doubt herself and Jorah is there to reassure her that she has always been strong. Once they start making love, Jorah makes an excuse to take a walk as reality is overwhelming him.

On the night walk with Ghost, Jorah encounters Jon who is looking out at the Northern fleet that is making their way to leave soon. Jon tries to convince Jorah that Daenerys is beyond saving. The Mormont doesn't agree and says that he has to stay in case she can be saved. Before he leaves on Rhaegal, Jon kisses Jorah and the Mormont finally admits that he loves Jon. Jon then pleads to Jorah to leave with him but the king refuses.

Once Jon flies away on Rhaegal, Jorah goes to the ground howling in pain. He knows if he ever meets Jon again it'll be as enemies. Ghost howls to cover up his master's screaming. Jorah eventually calms down and makes love to Daenerys.

The following morning he wakes up and makes love to Daenerys yet again. Afterwards they get dressed and a messenger comes with news about Jaime Lannister. He has gone rogue and is now heading towards King's Landing. Jorah has opinions about the matter that he's afraid to share with Daenerys. He hides his true opinions under lies and half-truths. At one point he has to lie about why he had taken the walk the previous night.

As they make their way off of Dragonstone, Jorah reflects on how he's willing to let other people die to attempt to kill Daenerys so that his hands can stay clean. He also mourns the steadfast loyalty to his love that he has lost.

The Tragedy at King's Landing
Jorah Mormont leads the attack on King's Landing. He starts off the battle riding Ghost but is eventually thrown off of the direwolf. At one point in the battle he kills Harry Strickland, the leader of the Golden Company, because Daenerys Targaryen wanted him dead for going against her. Even though this doesn't make sense to Jorah, as Harry can be bought after Daenerys defeats Cersei Lannister, he still carries out her command.

After being let into the city by Daenerys Targaryen burning down the gates, Jorah and the rest of Daenerys' army enter the city. The Lannister army quickly surrenders and Jorah is grateful that his love didn't burn down King's Landing. But suddenly the bells sound, wildfire explodes around the city, and Daenerys flies away on Drogon to burn everything the wildfire didn't touch.

Even though Daenerys Targaryen's fate seems set in stone, Jorah Mormont thinks of a way to save the love of his life. He convinces Grey Worm and Ghost to lead their men out of the city while he goes in search of the Lannisters. He hides his true intentions of sacrificing both Jaime and Cersei Lannister to save Daenerys' soul. Jorah finds himself protected from the fire by R'hllor through Heartsbane. When he finally reaches the Lannisters he finds that Jaime killed Cersei after she released wildfire onto the city.

Though it goes against his plan, Jorah Mormont agrees to Jaime Lannister's request to kill him. But first Jaime has to explain why he abandoned Daenerys Targaryen to come to King's Landing. Jaime explains that Cersei was pregnant with his child and he wanted to save the child. Afterwards he would send his sister to Daenerys while living a quiet life with his child. As Jorah kills him, Jaime requests that he kill the Targaryen if she can't be saved.

-Jorah Mormont was gifted Heartsbane by Sam Tarly shortly before the Battle of Winterfell.
-Jorah is disturbed by the Night King's death. The abomination turns into a human and dies with a look of relief on his face.
-Before the funeral for those lost during the Battle of Winterfell, Jorah is glad that there is no one that can stop Daenerys Targaryen's reign.
-Jorah takes control when him and Daenerys make love for the first time.
-Jorah suggests that Daenerys legitimize Jon Snow under the guise of gaining favor from the North and making it certain the former bastard couldn't claim the Iron Throne under his Targaryen heritage. But, in reality, Jorah suggested Jon be legitimized as he feels the man shouldn't be labeled a bastard.
-The scene where Tormund kisses Jorah originally hinted that the Wildling would be one of his lovers at the end of the fic. However, while outlining I decided against the pairing happening in this fic. I kept the kissing scene between the pair as it still has some importance to the fic. Just not as originally intended.
-Jorah Mormont admires how Sansa Stark went from a naive girl to a strong woman.
-Jorah is extremely angered at what the Night King did to the godswood in Winterfell.
-Jorah Mormont does not feel worthy to ride a dragon.
-Jorah Mormont wants to greatly punish the Northern soldiers who raped, tortured, and killed Missandei. It's only his sense of duty that stops him from letting his emotions take total control.
-The Northern soldiers that passed Jorah at the beginning of Chapter 19 All Dark were the same ones that raped, tortured, and killed Missandei.
-At one point in time Jorah Mormont worked for the Golden Company as a sellsword.
-When Jorah goes into the burning King's Landing he realizes that the Northern soldiers that stayed with Daenerys did so for the ability to rape and kill those in the city.
-In Chapter 24 Despair R'hllor talks briefly to Jorah.

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