Saturday, November 30, 2019

Battle of Winterfell

Event: Battle of Winterfell

Location: Winterfell, Westeros


This was where the living made their last stand against the Night King and his army. The battle plan was poorly planned out especially the Dothraki charging into the night armed only with their weapons in flames.

The original plan was to draw the Night King out by having Bran Stark in the Godswood. Instead of dismounting, the Night King used Viserion to burn that place so that the Three-Eyed Raven died.

It took Jorah Mormont, Jon Snow, and Tormund Giantsbane to defeat the Night King. Jorah and Jon were the ones to finally kill the creature while Tormund provided support so his friends didn't die.

After killing the Night King did not stop the dead, Jorah figured out that all the White Walkers had to die for the living to win the battle. Jon went back on Rhaegal to report to Daenerys Targaryen while Jorah and Tormund went to find Melisandre.

Daenerys was impatient and started to burn parts of Winterfell to kill the White Walkers and Jon managed to stop her from burning down the place. Meanwhile Jorah managed to find Melisandre and her spell killed all the White Walkers, hence winning the battle.

I had been part of numerous battles, some famous and others not so. In all of them my enemies had been human. They reacted in such a way that I could easily judge how best to win the fight. But the enemies that used the darkness and cold to their advantage were not human. They were the thing of nightmares: White Walkers and wights.

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