Sunday, December 9, 2018

Jorah Mormont (3)

Name: Jorah Mormont

Alias(es): Jorah the Andal
Species: Human

Partner(s): Unknown Glover (Deceased)
                  Lynesse Hightower (Former)
                  Daenerys Targaryen

Child(ren): N/A

Family: Jeor Mormont (Father)

Age: Fifties to Sixties

Position(s): Lord of Bear Island (Former)
                   Advisor to Daenerys Targaryen (Former)
                   King of the South

Home: Bear Island (Former)
            Essos (Former)
            King's Landing

Series: Consequences of Ice and Fire

Fanfiction or Original: Fanfiction


Before the Fic
Most information remains the same. Jorah's history changes sometime during the War for the Dawn. This fic was started and outlined before Season 8 aired.

Marriage with Daenerys Targaryen
During the War for the Dawn, Daenerys told Jorah that she no longer wished to be with Jon Stark. After the war was won, Jorah and Daenerys marry.

After the War
Jorah finds raising a daughter much harder than he imagined. Him and Daenerys try desperately to find any tutor that Sarisa won't quickly drive off.

Jorah Mormont, in a moment of desperation, suggests going to Bronn. He believes that he will know a tutor for Sarisa. It takes some convincing, but Daenerys finally agrees to the plan. He goes to Storm's End to discuss about a possible tutor for Sarisa.

One night Jorah and Bronn are out walking. The latter calls out to Rin Snow and Jorah feels instantly drawn to the woman. He is at first surprised that she hasn't asked Jon to legitimize her but when she mentions her father is Benjen Stark, he understands. He asks Rin if she is a good fighter in hopes that she will come with him to Storm's End. Bronn replies she is one of the best and offers for her to fight for him tomorrow. Rin then leaves to wander the city alone.

-Jorah considers Sarisa Targaryen his child no matter that his blood isn't in her.
-Jorah has a dream hinting at events from the Rin Duology. This is to show that like all the other incarnations of Jorah Mormont, he is connected to Rin's very essence.
-Jorah has to continually remind Daenerys of her worth as a ruler.

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