Sunday, December 2, 2018

Daenerys Targaryen (3)

Name: Daenerys Targaryen

Alias(es): Dany
                Daenerys Stormborn
                The Silver Queen
                Silver Lady
                The Dragon Queen
                The Queen Across the Water

Species: Human

Partner(s): Khal Drogo (Deceased)
                  Daario Naharis (Deceased)
                  Jon Stark (Former)
                  Jorah Mormont

Child(ren): Rhaego (Deceased)
                   Sarisa Targaryen

Family: Aerys II Targaryen (Father)
             Rhaella Targaryen (Mother)
             Rhaegar Targaryen (Brother)
             Viserys Targaryen (Brother)
             Jon Stark (Nephew)

Age: Early Twenties

Position(s): Queen of Meereen (Former)
                    Queen of the South

Home: Essos (Former)
            Meereen (Former)
            King's Landing

Series: Consequences of Ice and Fire

Fanfiction or Original: Fanfiction


Before the Fic
Most information remains the same. The fic deviates from canon sometime after Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Stark have sex at the end of Season 7.

War for the Dawn
After arriving in Winterfell, Daenerys starts to doubt her love for Jon. She finally decides to break things off peacefully with him after she finds out that she is pregnant. Instead of the young man, she decides to marry Jorah Mormont.

When the war is over she and Jorah rule the South while Jon rules the North. Sarisa, their daughter, lives in the South and has no memory of her father. No clear memory, at least.

After the War
Daenerys finds raising a daughter much harder than she imagined. She and Jorah try desperately to find any tutor that Sarisa won't quickly drive off.

Besides the search for a tutor for Sarisa, Daenerys is now plagued by worry for Jorah Mormont. She is disturbed by how painful his nightmares have become. She is also frightened by the fact that his nightmares show her turning mad like her father before her.

Jorah Mormont, in a moment of desperation, suggests going to Bronn. He believes that he will know a tutor for Sarisa. It takes some convincing, but Daenerys finally agrees to the plan.

-Daenerys' full list of titles is: Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons.
-Viserion, Drogon, and Rhaegal are Daenerys' three dragons.
-Daenerys is full of doubt about being a ruler. She thinks that it should be Jon Stark on the Iron Throne.

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