Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Iain Glen

Name: Iain Glen

Partner(s): Emilia Clarke

Child(ren): N/A

Family: N/A

Age: 55

Position(s): Actor

Home: N/A

Series: At First Love

Fanfiction or Original: Fanfiction


Before the Fic
Most information remains the same. Iain's romantic history has been changed to him never having a long term relationship. This means his real life kids and wife don't exist in this fic.

Starting a Relationship with Emilia Clarke
After Iain shot the scene where Daenerys Targaryen exiled Jorah Mormont, he talked with Emilia Clarke (the woman who plays Daenerys Targaryen). Iain initiates a kiss. During sunset Emilia visits him and they make love for the firs time. Per his request, she promises to keep their relationship a secret.

During their final night together until Season 5 began shooting, Iain makes love to Emilia yet again.

Weekend with Emilia Clarke
Iain Glen had a peaceful flight home with the only problem being a boy that kept kicking his seat. When he gets home he is too tired to do anything more than undress and fall asleep on his be. He is a woken up from a dream about Emilia by Emilia calling him. She asks if he has anything planned for the weekend. When he says he doesn't, she says she will arrive on Friday and leave on Sunday.

He spends the next few days cleaning at the house. The last thing he does is buy condoms and a teenager takes a picture of him with the items.

Iain wants to have a romantic weekend that isn't dependent on sex. However, when Emilia arrives both want to make love and he is unable to control himself. Later they do walk around a non-tourist area of London. During this time he opens up emotionally to Emilia and admits very personal beliefs. She promises to be there for him and offers up her own support.

As Iain is making dinner, Emilia finds the picture of him with condoms. He apologizes for not telling her earlier as he forgot and she replies that she doesn't like condoms anyways. They then decide to take a picture together and release it on her twitter.

They have sex later and then sit on the couch before going to bed. The following day Iain makes both of them a simple breakfast. While waiting Emilia goes on Twitter and finds people angry about her relationship. Iain talks with her and both end up talking about a possible Jorah Mormont and Daenerys Targaryen sex scene. Later they make love in a local park.

Iain and Emilia have sex before he drives her home. On the drive Emilia reassures Iain about her love for him. Upon arriving at Emilia's house, they make love again.

Dealing with the Backlash
The first day after Emilia Clarke goes back home, Iain finds that he has to do some grocery shopping. In the parking lot he hears a couple talking about a rumor how Iain and Emilia aren't really dating. Instead Kit Harrington and Emilia teamed up to fool the older man into thinking he was loved.

Inside the store Clara Jones blames him of targeting young women. Iain just barely manages to get away from her. The cashier assures him that Clara likes to cause a scene and not to think too deeply on what she said.

During the Months of Absence
Iain and Emilia Clarke keep up by phone conversations and sending videos to each other. The few times they were able to see each other, they had less than an hour to make love. During one phone conversation they talk about a disturbing rumor people have made up about them. The conversation eventually goes into lighter topics before ending.

Before filming the fifth season of Game of Thrones, Iain and Emilia manage to meet up for dinner. After dinner they make love at his house. Sadly she can't stay the night.

Filming Game of Thrones Season 5
Iain Glen and Peter Dinklage film one of their scenes together. The smaller man makes fun of Iain's relationship with Emilia Clarke in good jest. He ruins a bunch of takes on purpose. Iain gets so annoyed he throws the other man overboard.

After shooting for the day, he goes back to his trailer and pleasures himself. As he thinks of sending Emilia a lewd picture, she sends him one first.

During a day when Iain and Peter don't have any work to do, they hang out in Iain's trailer. It is there that Peter reveals some rumors to the man. It is the last rumor that makes Iain call Emilia to make sure she is okay. The last rumor was saying she was a gold digger intent on merely using Iain for his money. They reassure each other and then hang up. Iain bursts into tears as Emilia said the thought of breaking up with him had occurred to him but she decided not to because she loved him too much.

Iain is finally able to spend time with Emilia Clarke. He brings wine to her trailer and they talk. Talk goes to a weird stalker Emilia has. Things become much more light and soon enough they make love. She asks him to stay the night and he agrees. He falls asleep with her in his arms.

One afternoon after making love, Emilia and Iain decided to pull a prank. They would do the scene as written and then add something of their own. In the scene Emilia was just supposed to take Iain's hand but their alternate scene would be confessing their love to each other. The prank is pulled off without a problem and there is laughing all around set.

That night, to celebrate their prank, Emilia and Iain go to a pub. Iain again worries the relationship won't last. Emilia reassures her boyfriend that she will never leave him.

During the celebration about the end of filming Game of Thrones Season 5 Iain Glen has a great time. He talks to Lena Headey who says that taking anything involving love slow is a good thing. Him, Jerome Flynn, Kit Harrington, Peter Dinklage, Emilia Clarke, and Rose Leslie have a long conversation. They discuss the 'alternate scene' as well as the pairing of Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen.

After Iain and Emilia leave the party they make love while roleplaying a sex scene between Jorah Mormont and Daenerys.

The Next Stage of Their Relationship
Emilia calls Iain as he had arrived back home. After asking to temporarily move in with him now, he agrees.

After Emilia Clarke made love to Iain, she takes a call from someone asking for an interview. He agrees to come with her after she asks him. When putting the luggage into the car, he grows disturbed about a man who is washing his car across the street. It takes Emilia to pull him back to his senses. But even on the plane he is thinking about the man.

The interview with Iain Glen and Emilia Clarke goes well. Though he is nervous throughout the interview and it takes the help of his girlfriend to remain calm. That night he finds himself having some of the greatest sex with Emilia he's ever had during their entire relationship.

After a horrible breakfast, he starts to have sex with her again. But then he starts to pass out and she calls an ambulance. She stays with him in the hospital and even puts her own career on hold for him. Upon arriving home, Emilia insists on unpacking their bags so Iain can rest. Once she unpacks for the two of them, she makes love to him and does her best to be gentle. But they make love and make it hard. As she is bathing him that night he wonders if he could ever stop his career for her sake.

When making breakfast for her the following morning, he sees a hooded figure looking in his window.

Emilia Clarke waits for Iain Glen to finish reading his script. They then discuss it while drinking some wine. The conversation soon turns to talk of Jon and Daenerys getting together. Both of them dislike the pairing and Emilia discusses how to sabotage it if it happens. After having sex, Emilia suggests she leaves so neither gets the idea of it being serious. Iain thinks she is breaking up with him and is horrified at the thought. She then reveals to him that she thought he didn't consider this a serious relationship. It is then agreed that she move in with him permanently.

After a stressful time moving, Emilia celebrates the moment by having sex with Iain. Afterwards while watching television, she discusses the possibility of having children with him. By the end both agree that doing so will be a good idea.

Filming Game of Thrones Season 6
Iain Glen jokes with Emilia Clarke and Michiel Huisman on the set of Game of Thrones. After Emilia comes down with a laughing fit she decides they should take a picture with her cellphone that she sneaked onto set. They find a person that will take the picture and afterwards the person takes the cellphone away.

During filming the Burning of the Khals scene, Emilia breaks down laughing because Iain made a joke.

After filming the scene Emilia looks at her phone to check Twitter, where she posted the picture, and runs across some nasty comments. She tells Iain about one and she disregards any chance of finding the person who made the nasty comment. Though he doesn't tell her, he thinks that the creepy guy he saw by their house sent her the nasty comment.

Emilia Clarke, Iain Glen, and Michiel Huisman decide to film an alternate scene where Daenerys Targaryen declares Jorah Mormont her king before sending him off to find a cure for his greyscale. Under an unforgiving sun, the scene is filmed while they all act like they were going to do another take for the actual scene.

That night Emilia Clarke and Iain Glen discuss marriage. While he wants to marry her, he is conflicted and doesn't tell her that he wants to marry her.

Emilia Clarke and Iain Glen decide to walk around town to celebrate his last day of shooting for Game of Thrones Season 6. When they're at the pub he starts drinking more than usual and doesn't know why. Finally he figures out his nervousness stems from the fact he wants to propose to Emilia. He reassures her that he doesn't want to break up with her. She guesses that he wants to propose to her but before he can reply a man shoots a gun. Iain recognizes the man as the same one that had been washing their car across the street and Emilia reassured him was nothing to worry about. The man then threatens Emilia. Iain sees him throw the gun and figures he might be able to face the man in hand to hand combat. However, the man had a knife which he used to fight Iain with before stabbing Emilia.

While unconscious, Iain Glen was transported to the hospital. He was put next to Emilia Clarke in the hospital. Since his injuries were less severe than hers, he was able to gain consciousness much sooner than her. During that time he thought she might never truly wake up and the thought terrified him. His mood became somber and he would hardly talk to anyone.

Once she started showing signs of coming to, he became happier and all around pleasant to deal with. He decided for certain that he would marry her but would wait until after they got out of the hospital to propose to her.

Emilia eventually wakes up and talks with Iain Glen. He asks for her forgiveness and she grants it. He also asks if she still wants to be his girlfriend and she agrees.

Engagement to Emilia Clarke
Iain Glen is guilty that he left Emilia Clarke at the hospital but reassures himself that now is the perfect time to look for a ring without her knowing what he's doing. He calls her shortly after getting back home and she reassures him that she will be coming home soon.

After their conversation, Iain decides to call some of his co-stars to get their opinions on what ring he should get Emilia. He ends up calling Lena Headey, Sophie Turner, and Maisie Williams. With their help he goes to Lily's and gets a ring with dragons for Emilia's engagement ring.

Once he returns home he hides the ring and goes to sleep dreaming of proposing to Emilia.

Emilia Clarke and Iain Glen are sitting outside during night in their backyard. They tease each other until talk turns to lovemaking. Afterwards they talk and Emilia says she believes Iain is hiding something. He doesn't tell her about how he plans to propose to her and she decides to try coercing him into telling her his secret.

A few days before the scene is shot, Iain finds out what scene he'll be proposing to Emilia during. The scene is when Jorah Mormont, Jon Snow, and others are going to Eastwatch to start to hunt White Walkers. He is nervous shortly before the scene is shot so Kit Harrington and Peter Dinklage help calm him down.

Iain is extremely nervous but gets on his knee and proposes to Emilia. It seems like an eternity until she says yes. He is so taken aback with joy that he doesn't mind kissing her intensely even with so many people around them.

After filming is done for the day the newly engaged pair are invited to go to a celebration. Both agree and leave right after they're back in their normal clothes. When they leave the party they head to their room. They talk once they enter their room and when Emilia asks Iain to get her pregnant they have sex.

Once Iain and Emilia are cleaned up and in bed they discuss what the fans will think of their engagement. They think reception of the news will be so positive that Dave and Dan will make the pairing between Jorah and Daenerys canon.

Iain Glen reads the script to Game of Thrones Season 8 and is more than irritated. He starts drinking wine as Emilia Clarke walks in the kitchen after finishing her own reading of the script. The two talk about why they were disappointed. As an attempt to get the script off their minds, Iain has sex with Emilia. This does not do the trick and so both go off to distract themselves in their own ways.

By dinnertime they have both calmed down.

The Wedding and Before

Iain Glen goes with Emilia Clarke to the 2018 Golden Globes to fend off potential rumors. He also went because he was turned on by the dress she was wearing. While at the event he, Emilia left his side so he didn't get much attention.

Afterwards Emilia cheers him up by having sex in a bathroom.

Iain Glen and Emilia Clarke have their wedding at a house in France. He is excited about marrying the love of his life and her being pregnant with his child. For the first course at their wedding Iain surprises her with steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans. This is the first meal he ever made her.

-I made Iain single for this fic because I didn't want to deal with a cheating sub-plot.
-I made Iain never have a long lasting relationship before to play up the romance.
-Iain didn't make a move on Emilia sooner due to him thinking it wasn't socially acceptable to be with her.
-Iain has decided he wants to marry Emilia, but doesn't want to bring up the matter until they've been together for a little while.
-In real life Iain was unaware of what Lord Friendzone meant until someone told him.
-Iain prefers small, hidden places.
-Two teenagers, a boy and a girl, were arguing if Iain could actually have sex at his age. The girl then takes a picture of Iain with the condoms.
-Iain starts to consider having children in the future because of Emilia.
-Iain decides to not hide his relationship with Emilia anymore as he knows she wants to be public with him.
-Iain decides to show how deeply he loves Emilia so she knows he won't ever leave her.
-Iain prefers cookbooks to random people's advice on cooking. He feels cookbooks are a more reliable source of information.
-Iain says a mantra to help him to remember his love for Emilia.
-This is said mantra: I am strong. I love Emilia Clarke. Nothing can hold me back from my love.
-Iain really likes wearing sandals.
-Iain prefers using a tea kettle to make tea.
-Iain and Jerome Flynn are friends, though not the closest.
-Emilia's comment about being afraid Iain would have a heart attack, is a reference to how he wanted to die on the show. Specifically he wanted to have a heart attack while making love to Daenerys Targaryen.
-After coming back from the hospital, Iain is a little disturbed by his bed as he had been bed ridden for days.
-After Iain did his best to defend Emilia from her attacker in the pub, the majority of people became okay with him being with the younger woman as they had proof that he truly did love her.

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