Saturday, May 11, 2019

Bronn (2)

Name: Bronn

Alias(es): Ser Bronn of Blackwater

Species: Human

Partner(s): Jayne

Child(ren): N/A

Family: N/A

Age: Early Fifties

Position(s): Commander of the City Watch (Former)
                    Lord of Storm's End

Home: King's Landing (Former)
            Storm's End

Series: Consequences of Ice and Fire

Fanfiction or Original: Fanfiction


Before the Fic
Most information remains the same.

Life in Storm's End
Bronn was able to get Storm's End for all his hard work. While he now has a wife, endless women, and a peaceful life something is missing in his life. He walks around nearly every night when sleep eludes him.

Rin and Jorah Kaari's Arrival
Bronn is initially intrigued by Rin's beauty and odd demeanor. After she explains her situation, he agrees to help them. Bronn talks about his version of Westeros to Rin and Jorah before giving them a small room to stay in.

A Visit from Jorah Mormont
While Rin is on her mission to kill R'hllor and return his corpse to the Nieth in Sothoryos, Jorah Mormont pays Bronn a visit. This is due to the King of the South being desperate to find a tutor for his daughter Sarisa Targaryen. While walking one night with Jorah, Bronn spots Rin and says that she is a great fighter. She promises to fight for Jorah upon prompting by Bronn.

-Asked for Storm's End to cause Gendry Baratheon to have a reaction. The former bastard didn't mind who became lord of that castle.
-My attempt was for Bronn to be having some form of PTSD where there is never a place that will feel comfortable for him to live in.

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