Saturday, May 11, 2019

Jorah Mormont

Name: Jorah Mormont

Gender: Male

Alias(es): Jorah the Andal
                Azor Ahai
Species: Human

Partner(s): Unknown Glover (Deceased)
                  Lynesse Hightower (Former)
                  Daenerys Targaryen

Child(ren): N/A

Family: Jeor Mormont (Father)
             Lyanna Mormont (Cousin)

Age: Mid-Fifties

Position(s): Lord of Bear Island (Former)
                   Advisor to Daenerys Targaryen

Home: Bear Island (Former)
            Essos (Former)

Series: The Last Mormont

Fanfiction or Original: Fanfiction


Before the Fic
Most information remains the same. Jorah's history changes sometime during Season 7.

Battle of Winterfell
Jorah was leading the Dothraki during the initial charge of the Night King's army. Later he defended Daenerys once she fell from Drogon. His body died in her arms and his soul awoke in Ghost's body. Once he gained enough control of the direwolf's body, he made his way to Winterfell. Upon arrival he greeted Daenerys who was informed it was him by Jon Snow. She then proclaimed who he really was to everyone.

The Aftermath
Jorah participates in a meeting held after the burning of the bodies. In it he is informed of what happened during the Battle of Winterfell including Arya Stark killing the Night King and Lyanna Mormont dying. He is also informed of the fact Melisandre wasn't able to bring him back to his original body and that body was burned.

Jorah waits faithfully for Daenerys Targaryen to return from her flight on Drogon. Once she has they make their way back to her room. There they discuss the future nature of their relationship. Daenerys says that his soul can go into another human body. They test the theory out by him trying to go into Daenerys' body. He fails.

Jorah has nothing to do and so tries to figure out his place in the world. He ends up in the godswood where he has a vision and talks with Bran Stark. The Three-Eyed Raven tells the Mormont that one day he will be comfortable in Ghost's body.

Jorah decides to train the Northerners and Dothraki together to form a better bond between the groups. He uses Podrick Payne to be his translator. While training, Jorah realizes he can hear and smell both Daenerys Targaryen and Sansa Stark when they are miles away from where he is training the men. He decides to spy on Daenerys to make sure she isn't making a mistake with the clever Stark woman. When Daenerys arrives at his side she can tell he had spied on her. She blames him of just wanting gossip.

The True Enemy
On the way to Dragonstone, Jorah's direwolf side takes over and he jumps overboard in a fit of joy. He talks to Daenerys and she has men throw a rope that he can grab onto. When they reach their cabin, they discuss Daenerys Targaryen's future romantic life. She can't think of being with anyone but him and tries to coerce him into committing bestiality with her. He refuses and the two embrace each other in sleep.

On Dragonstone, Jorah notices that Daenerys isn't sleeping in her bed. He tries to dismiss the theory that she most likely is riding Drogon to burn down King's Landing. But after he searches everywhere else, he is confronted with the dark truth. He decides to go into the dragon's mind and finds him in the space between minds. He experiences as a vast darkness and then 'sees' something that he can only describe as nothing. In fear he goes even faster towards Drogon's mind and successfully enters it.

He talks with Daenerys and tries to convince her not to burn down the city. By the end of the conversation Drogon kicks him out of his mind. Jorah waits on the beach until Daenerys comes back. She apologizes to him.

Sometime later himself, Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, and Tyrion Lannister discuss the nothing he saw. Jorah is certain that Bran Stark is the nothing while Jon argues heavily against that point. At the end of the meeting Jorah agrees to search for the nothing again to find out its identity.

It takes some effort for Jorah to leave Ghost's body. He first experiences past, present, and future all at once. Then the nothing pushes him and he is able to spy on Cersei Lannister. He sees her nearly being assassinated by Euron Greyjoy. She survives and he is able to flee King's Landing.

Jorah finally talks with the nothing and finds a few surprising things. First is that the nothing is Bran Stark and he is not a good being. Second is that the Night King was a heroic figure who was seeking to kill the Children of the Forest and any Three-Eyed Raven that was currently alive. Third was that Azor Ahai is the only one that can kill Bran if their emotions are concentrated enough. When Jorah is returned to Ghost's body he reports what he learned.

On the way to King's Landing, Jorah does his best to reassure Daenerys about the planned alliance with Cersei Lannister. As he thinks about Bran being the enemy, he finds that Tyrion Lannister's plan to capture a wight makes more sense if one of those who went to get a wight was Azor Ahai. His thoughts betray him and he accidentally admits to Daenerys part of  his theory. The part that one of those who went to get a wight is Azor Ahai.

While negotiating with Cersei Lannister to form an alliance, Jorah tried speaking to her directly. This did not work and Jon Stark and Daenerys Targaryen were forced to convince the queen of the truth. The negotiations went well and an alliance with Cersei was formed.

One night Jorah and Daenerys walk around the Red Keep. He reassures her that she will indeed make a good queen and will be good for Westeros. He is ashamed that he didn't notice how profoundly nearly burning King's Landing had affected her. Upon reaching her room, they discuss that it is likely Jorah can go into a person's body.

During this conversation Jon walks in and agrees to allow Jorah into his body. This due to the fact he won't exist for a little bit. Jorah makes love to Daenerys and then returns to Ghost's body.

The Last Battle 
Jorah Mormont goes up against Bran Stark. It isn't until he realizes he merely has to believe in victory to be as powerful as the Stark. He is overcome by the boy's power and is visited by Daenerys Targaryen who gives him a shield and a mysterious red-headed woman who gives him a sword that bursts into flames. Along with the realization he is Azor Ahai, he understands the terrible thing he must do to kill the Three-Eyed Raven.

Jorah goes to the heart of the Three-Eyed Raven which he needs to kill. Unfortunately the heart is Bran Stark. The Mormont does his best to explain himself to the boy but there isn't enough time. Jorah is forever haunted by the accusing look Bran gives him while dying.

After the Three-Eyed Raven is killed, Jorah goes back to Ghost's body and fights the end of the battle. When the battle is won, he finds a hidden beach and falls asleep.

After the War
Jorah watches as Jon Stark and Daenerys Targaryen condemn Cersei Lannister to death. He imagines tearing out the Lannister's throat. After the deceased queen's execution, he witnesses his queen giving up the Iron Throne to Jon. Jorah briefly voices his dissent but Daenerys brings up the point she would be a poor ruler and she wants to live the rest of her days on Bear island.

He agrees with her as he realizes how calm she is now that she is no longer a queen.

Jorah Mormont and Daenerys Targaryen eventually marry and move to Bear Island where they live away from the notice of most of Westeros. He finds a human to use as a host whenever he wishes to spend time as a human.

-Daenerys Targaryen started a sexual relationship with Jorah once he arrived on Dragonstone.
-Daenerys made their relationship public upon his arrival at Winterfell.
-Jorah believed that hiding his identity could have helped Daenerys gain support in the North.
-Jorah can communicate via telepathy. One of the downsides is that all his thoughts are transmitted along with the emotions he feels.
-Jorah loathes the fact he is now trapped in Ghost's body.
-Jorah's theory about why Melisandre couldn't bring him back is that he wasn't technically dead.
-Jorah doesn't ask for Daenerys to masturbate for him, though that would be a solution for their now sexless lives, as he knows that act can't replace lovemaking.
-Daenerys Targaryen suggests to Jorah that he have sex with another wolf but the Mormont disagrees. He points out that would be both bestiality and taking away too much of Ghost's autonomy.
-Jorah tries to only eat with his mouth but always find it impossible to do. Jorah tries as he feels that simple act can help keep him human.
-Podrick Payne is one of the few that can hear Jorah's telepathy.
-Jorah knows that he must choose between his direwolf and human for certain one day.
-Jorah dreams about living life purely as a direwolf.
-Jorah manages to enter a dragon's mind which has never happened before due to the strength of the creatures.
-Jorah feels ashamed of his past actions so doesn't think he is Azor Ahai.
-Jorah has grown more comfortable in Ghost's body to the point he grows nervous about being a human forever.
-Ghost isn't awake/aware of what is going on with his body when Jorah is in control.
-The "mysterious red-headed woman" is Rin from the Rin Duology and Consequences of Ice and Fire. Her presence is an easter egg but works in the multi-verse concept from those two series.
-Jorah Mormont naming the sword Lightbringer isn't just a clever indication he is Azor Ahai, it is also an easter egg relating to the aforementioned series. The sword is the ancestral sword of House Kaari and each owner gives it a different name. In the second part of the Rin Duology, Rin gives a version of Jorah Mormont the sword and he names it Lightbringer.
-Jorah is afraid that the Three-Eyed Raven is right and one day he will forget himself. During the final chapter he decides to hold onto the memory of his morning lovemaking with Daenerys so he can endure eternity.

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